Recipe: Delicious Strawberry 🍓 Vodka Sorbet

Strawberry 🍓 Vodka Sorbet. Scoop out sorbet, serve with whipped topping and enjoy 😉!!! Before you jump to Strawberry 🍓 Vodka Sorbet recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Deciding on Healthy and balanced Fast Food. Almost every single article about losing weight and getting healthy explains readers to avoid drive through windows like the plague and to perform all of their own cooking.

Strawberry 🍓 Vodka Sorbet Once it's firmed up scoop out the strawberry vodka sorbet into a bowl and enjoy! Not only does the vodka improve the flavour, but it also helps the texture so much. This dessert is somewhere between a granita and a sorbet, but in texture alone it's neither, really. You can have Strawberry 🍓 Vodka Sorbet using 7 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it.

Ingredients of Strawberry 🍓 Vodka Sorbet

  1. You need 1-2 pound of pack fresh strawberries.
  2. Prepare 1/2 cup of heavy cream.
  3. You need 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract.
  4. It's 1/2 cup of vodka (you can add a bit more if you like ! 😉).
  5. Prepare 1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon powder.
  6. You need 3 1/2 tablespoons of white sugar.
  7. It's of Whipped topping.

It's like a velvety-smooth alcoholic slush drink. Yes - this is a strawberry alcoholic Slush Puppy. Maybe I should specify that it's for adults only. Add the lemon juice, vodka, and pureed strawberries to the remaining sugar syrup; stir until thoroughly blended.

Strawberry 🍓 Vodka Sorbet step by step

  1. Clean and hull your fresh strawberries 🍓.........
  2. Place cleaned strawberries into a blender........
  3. Place into blender your heavy cream, vanilla extract, vodka and cinnamon powder........
  4. Blend on smoothie setting until all ingredients are combined........
  5. Add your sugar and blend well.........
  6. Place strawberry mixture into a large container........
  7. Place container into freezer and freeze for several hours or overnight, covered........
  8. Scoop out sorbet, serve with whipped topping and enjoy 😉!!! You can leave your sorbet out for about 10-20 minutes just to soften it a bit before you scoop it out !! 😁.

The vodka (or any other type of alcohol) is the secret to a soft sorbet. The Best Sorbet Vodka Recipes on Yummly Spiked Strawberry Slushies For A Crowd, Sorbet Fruit Pops, Mini Peanut Butter White Russians A premium brand of vodka will simply taste much better in this sorbet. This recipe is from Blue Ice American Vodka , and it is an excellent option. For the flavor, lemon zest is infused into a simple syrup , then freshly squeezed lemon juice and vodka are added and the sorbet is frozen.

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